Posted by: Veronica Graves | February 5, 2014

In Focus: Katie Zinn

Katie Zinn1Meet Katie Zinn: Our digital communications maven with locks all girls long for, sass that can last for days and enough Sun Devil pride to fill the entire stadium. Running lead on several of our hospitality and content marketing accounts, Katie brings a great sense of strategic insight and unparalleled writing skills to the O-Squad. She always has her ear to the ground when it comes to new updates in the world of social media and keeps us all up-to-date on the latest and greatest online happenings. What else is there to know about this bacon-hating Olsonista? Here are a few more fun facts about Katie:

Q: Favorite part of your job in PR:

A: Being able to tap into both sides of my brain. Developing creative ideas driven by strategic planning creates a cool, but comprehensive approach to business that I really enjoy.

Q: Dream client?

A: The NFL in some capacity, Oreo’s social media or any company working hard to make the world a better place. Sports, cookies and social responsibility rank high on my list.

Q: Favorite part about being on the O-Squad?

A: Too many to pick one… but the leadership, the camaraderie and the collaborative nature are pretty high up there. Working in a place you’re valued with people you like and for clients you believe in is pretty hard to beat.

Q: If you weren’t in PR you’d be: 

A: A community relations executive for the NFL (putting that out into the universe for good measure).

Q: Must-have phone app: 

A: Buzzfeed. It’s my digital, portable day-maker.

Q: Something life-related you’d tell your younger self:

A: Find more time for you, ‘real life’ will be there later. Whether it’s traveling, exploring hobbies or simply meeting new people, it’s important to fuel your soul and not just fill your bank account.

Q: What you’d spend $1 million on:

A: My family and friends. Treating them to a dream vacation or paying off a bill or two would fulfill me far more than anything for myself. Not to say I wouldn’t snag about $1,000 or so for a Target shopping spree. (Expensive tastes, I know.)

Q: Your can’t-kick-it addiction:

A: Iced coffee (splash of soy or two pumps of pumpkin spice for fall), wine (champs, rose and whites) and mineral water (everything from Pellegrino to generic brands). Apparently I have a drinking problem.

Q: What’s on your iPod?

A: If I had one, I’d tell you. I’m a Spotify girl – you can get anything you want on the go, create playlists, discover new music… Wait, maybe this is my must-have app!

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